Frequently Asked Questions
What is the baseline year from which the 20% reduction will be measured?
Calendar year 2009
How do we measure progress?
The Atlanta BBC has dedicated a team to benchmarking and measuring progress toward goals. Utility data will be collected from each building participant and aggregated into Energy Star Portfolio Manager to measure the overall reduction in energy and water consumption. Periodic reports will be provided by Central Atlanta Progress to communicate progress and highlight opportunities, based on the DOE reporting requirements below. Atlanta BBC will honor requests to keep building-specific data anonymous for any reporting other than to DOE.
Why participate?
Participation in the Atlanta Better Buildings Challenge will provide many benefits, including energy and water cost savings, positive public recognition for your organization and educational resources to improve energy and water efficiency in your business operations. By contributing to the success of the Atlanta BBC, you will improve your bottom line by saving energy and water. From a national perspective, more efficient buildings will reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, protect the environment, and stimulate economic growth through cost savings, investment in new technologies, and job creation.
What are some examples of ways to reduce energy and water that will contribute to the goal of the Atlanta BBC?
Energy conservation measures can range from simple adjustments in building operations to full systems retrofits. The Atlanta BBC team will serve as a resource to help you identify those measures that are most appropriate for your organization.
How do I get involved?
Please visit the Contact Us page to register, become a sponsor or request more information.
What are the DOE reporting requirements?
Generally, while further details are forthcoming, data will be reported to the DOE on a quarterly basis in the following categories:
City-wide Plan:
Activity updates
Progress to date
Showcase Project: Atlanta Civic Center
Identification of retrofit opportunities
Investment details and savings estimates
Planned work and progress
Innovative Energy Efficiency Implementation Models
Identification of models
Progress and challenges encountered
Key implementation materials
Facility-Level Energy Use and Performance
Provided through Energy Star Portfolio Manager
More Information
For an extended FAQ Click Here.